
Région de protection des sources de Mississippi-Rideau

HVA Videos

Developed by groundwater and public health experts at the local Spring Ridge Training Institute, the following engaging videos explore - with increasing detail - threats to highly vulnerable aquifers and how we can address them.

Video 1: Highly Vulnerable Aquifers: An Introduction
A brief introduction to the concept of aquifers, how they can become contaminated, and how residents, businesses and governments can do their part to protect them.

Video 2: Highly Vulnerable Aquifers: Geology, Policy and Protection
A closer look at the hydrogeology behind contamination risks and how policy at local and regional levels can impact their protection.

Video 3: HVAs: A Summary of Current Research on Highly Vulnerable Aquifers
A deep-dive into the current scientific research about HVA hydrogeology.




Site rendu possible grâce à l’appui du gouvernement de l’Ontario

Région de protection des sources de Mississippi-Rideau
Office de protection de la nature de la vallée de la Rideau
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
C.P. 599
Manotick ON K4M 1A5