The municipality (the Town of Mississippi Mills) supplies drinking water to approximately 5,350 people in Almonte. There are five municipal wells constructed between 1948 and 1991 varying in depth from 38 to 79 metres.
Where does the water come from?
The municipal wells draw groundwater from the Nepean Sandstone Aquifer which is well-known for supplying a good volume of quality drinking water.
How is the water treated and distributed?
Chlorine is added to the well water to disinfect it before it enters the distribution system of piping to serve individual residences and businesses. Excess water is stored in an elevated water tower for periods of peak demand. The Town of Mississippi Mills drinking water system operators must adhere to the strict requirements for the treatment, testing and distribution of drinking water specified in the Safe Drinking Water Act. The water is consistently in compliance with Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards with the exception of naturally occurring high levels of sodium.
How is the drinking water source protected?
Ontario’s Clean Water Act was created specifically to protect drinking water at the source rather than simply relying on water treatment to deliver safe, clean water. Because of work completed under the Clean Water Act, Almonte now has a mapped Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) that is protected through policies in the Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Plan.
Learn More About Drinking Water in Almonte
Drinking Water in Almonte Fact Sheet
Almonte Wellhead Protection Area Map