The Perth Drinking Water System is comprised of the water treatment plant and distribution system which together provide a supply of potable drinking water to approximately 6,000 people in the Town of Perth.
Where does the water come from?
An intake draws water from the Tay River and directs it into the water treatment plant.
How is the water treated and distributed?
Raw water from the river is double screened to remove solids. Water then enters mixing chambers where a coagulant is added to bind with remaining solids. In large flocculation tanks, the coagulant binds fine particles together forming “floc”. Water then sits in settling chambers where floc sinks to the bottom and clear water can be taken from the top. Water then passes through filters to remove remaining microscopic particles and any taste and odour. The water is then disinfected, pH is adjusted and fluoride and chlorine are added. The distribution system includes many kilometres of pipes and an elevated tank for fire protection and pressure buffering. The Perth Drinking Water System operators must adhere to the strict requirements for the treatment, testing and distribution of drinking water specified in the Safe Drinking Water Act. The water is consistently in compliance with Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards.
How is the drinking water source protected?
Ontario’s Clean Water Act was created specifically to protect drinking water at the source rather than simply relying on water treatment to deliver safe, clean water. Because of work completed under the Clean Water Act, Perth now has a mapped Intake Protection Zone (IPZ) that is protected through policies in the Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Plan.
Learn More About Drinking Water in Perth
Drinking Water in Perth Fact Sheet
Perth Intake Protection Zone Map