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Super User

Wednesday, 26 October 2022 18:52


Information on consultation activities at the Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region

An interactive storymap, educational videos, helpful action sheets, and more

Tuesday, 28 June 2022 14:52

Best Practices

Thursday, 18 June 2020 13:37

DNAPL Information Sheet

Information sheet on DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids)

Friday, 26 October 2018 19:00

Education and Outreach Catalogue

A catalogue of resources developed to assist with interpreting or implementing Source Water Protection.


Friday, 28 April 2017 15:33

Drinking Water Protection Zone Signs

provincial signs EN

Have you seen these signs?

Their goal is to raise awareness about Drinking Water Protection Zones that surround a community’s shared drinking water source. These zones now have some special protections under the Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Plan – a locally developed plan under Ontario’s Clean Water Act. The signs can be found in similar zones across the Province!

The zones are in communities, in specific areas around their municipal water sources. Depending on the community, the source may be a well that draws water from an aquifer or an intake that takes water from a river.

The zones were determined through scientific and technical studies that were done to help understand the drinking water source and map the zones, and in these areas some special policies are in place to help protect the drinking water source.

The signs could help inform first responders too! The signs can reaffirm the importance of spill prevention and help to ensure appropriate spill response.

If you live in a Drinking Water Protection Zone, you are encouraged to make small changes that will help to protect rivers and underground aquifers. You might already be doing some things that help you to be a Great Water Resident! Check out some ideas on our Living in the Zone page!

To find out more information about what these signs mean, please view our Fact Sheet

Friday, 09 October 2015 14:23

Kid's Corner

Kids Korner graphic


This section is just for kids! You can help protect drinking water sources too. Here are some links with information and activities to help you “go blue”!

Friday, 09 October 2015 14:00

Funding and Assistance Programs

Here are some links to information about technical or financial assistance for actions related to protecting water:

Thursday, 08 October 2015 21:17

Water Conservation

water conservation

It is easy to waste water and take it for granted. After all, here in the Mississippi-Rideau region, we have beautiful lakes and rivers all around us and a seemingly endless supply of groundwater beneath our feet. So why bother with water conservation?

Water conservation:

  • Protects drinking water sources from becoming depleted over time and helps combat the effects of growing populations, drought events and climate change
  • Protects water quality because lower water levels result in poorer water quality since there is less water to dilute contaminants
  • Reduces the cost of waste water treatment and water infrastructure expansion
  • Extends the life of private septic systems
  • Saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions related to water heating and pumping
  • Protects aquatic habitats

We all know the basics –install a rain barrel, take shorter showers, use a bucket to wash the car.

If you’re looking for some innovative, new ideas to challenge yourself to save water, check out: 100+ Ways to Conserve Water

Curious about your water use? Try this: Water Footprint Calculator

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Made possible through the support of the Government of Ontario

Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Office
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
P.O. Box 599
Manotick, ON K4M 1A5