Some hazardous substances in our lives are not only unavoidable, they are downright useful! To protect our drinking water sources, we need to safely store, handle and dispose of these substances.

Quick Fact:
One drop of oil can render up to 25 litres of water unfit for drinking!
- Home heating oil storage – Keeping furnace oil tanks in good repair and having annual inspections by a qualified person are key to preventing fuel spills. For more details see What Should I Know About Home Heating Oil?
- Proper disposal - Old paint, cleaners, pesticides, batteries, etc. should go to an approved household hazardous waste facility or drop off location (not down the drain or in the regular garbage). Contact your municipality for information about disposal options. Expired medications can be returned to a pharmacy for proper disposal.
- Spill / leak prevention – Maintaining vehicles to prevent fluid leaks and promptly cleaning up spills of hazardous substances is important (kitty litter works). What spills on the ground can end up in our drinking water sources.
Some hazardous substances can be avoided and easily replaced by alternatives that are just as effective. This reduces the amount of chemicals in our environment and eases the burden on wastewater treatment plants. To help you choose less toxic products or to make your own green alternatives, see this Guide to Less Toxic Products